Browsing by Author Pandey, Piyush

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 59  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018Antibacterial properties of synthesized Ag and Ag@ SiO2 core�shell nanoparticles: a comparative studyPandey, Piyush; Mohanta , Bidhan
2018Antibacterial properties of synthesized Ag and Ag@ SiO2 core�shell nanoparticles: a comparative studyPandey, Piyush; Mohanta , Bidhan
2019An array of multiplex PCR assays for detection of staphylococcal chromosomal cassette�mec�(SCCmec) types among staphylococcal isolates.Pandey, Piyush; Bhattacharjee, Amitabha
2019An array of multiplex PCR assays for detection of staphylococcal chromosomal cassette�mec�(SCCmec) types among staphylococcal isolates.Pandey, Piyush; Bhattacharjee, Amitabha
2016Bacilli and AgrobiotechnologyPandey, Piyush
2016Bacteria consortium optimization improves nutrient uptake, nodulation, disease suppression and growth of the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in both pot and field studiesPandey, Piyush
2017Biodegradation of Benzo (a) pyrene by biofilm forming and plant growth promoting Acinetobacter sp. strain PDB4.Pandey, Piyush
2019�Cadmium resistant plant growth promoting rhizobacteria�Serratia marcescens�S2I7 associated with the growth promotion of rice plantPandey, Piyush
2016Characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobia from root nodule of Crotolariapallida grown in AssamMazumder, Pranab Behari; Pandey, Piyush
2017Characterization of plant growth promoting rhizobia from root nodule of Mimosa pudica grown in Assam, IndiaMazumder, Pranab Behari; Pandey, Piyush
2015A comparative study on Biofilm production and Antibiotic resistance profile of coagulase positive Staphylococci from environmental and clinical isolates of south AssamSinha, Papiya; Pandey, Piyush
2018Composting of rice-residues using lignocellulolytic plant-probiotic Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia, and its evaluation for growth enhancement of Oryzasativa L.Pandey, Piyush
2018Composting of rice-residues using lignocellulolytic plant-probiotic Stenotrophomonasmaltophilia, and its evaluation for growth enhancement of Oryzasativa L.Pandey, Piyush
2018Differences in rice rhizosphere bacterial community structure by application of lignocellulolytic plant-probiotic bacteria with rapid composting traitsPandey, Piyush
2018Differences in rice rhizosphere bacterial community structure by application of lignocellulolytic plant-probiotic bacteria with rapid composting traitsPandey, Piyush
2017Draft genome sequence of Alcaligenesfaecalis BDB4, a polyaromatic hydrocarbon-degrading bacterium isolated from crude oil-contaminated soilPandey, Piyush
2018Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis Strain FB6-3, Isolated from Fermented Bamboo ShootPandey, Piyush
2018Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus subtilis Strain FB6-3, Isolated from Fermented Bamboo ShootPandey, Piyush
2017Draft Genome Sequence of Heavy Metal-Resistant Soil Bacterium Serratia marcescens S2I7, Which Has the Ability To Degrade Polyaromatic HydrocarbonsPandey, Piyush
2017Draft genome sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae AWD5Pandey, Piyush